There are many artists that sing about relationships, but not many that have continuous success. Taylor Swift has had three platinum selling records, with her recent “Speak Now”, breaking one million copies with-in the week. Swift sings about her life, breaking up, and making up in a way that relates to any teenage life. On her most recent album songs like “Sparks fly”, “Mine”, and “Last Kiss”, are just a few of the gems. Taylor Swift’s song “Speak Now” uses objectification and similes to epitomize the overall theme of love and happiness.
“Sparks Fly” provides and abundance of objectification throughout the song. At the beginning of the song Swift sings “You’re the kind of reckless that should send me running”. The boy would send her running, not the state of recklessness. Still, the line starts the song well, and begins the narrative of how the boy isn’t great for her, but she loves him. Another line, “My mind forgets to remind me/ that you’re a bad idea” shows how the boy, again, is not the best for her. Her mind can’t remind her on it’s own, there are a lot of parts to it, but the line exemplifies the fact that she should know he is no good. “Sparks Fly” also uses many similes to narrate the song. Swift wants to show how enthralled she is with this guy, and opens the song saying “The way you move is like a full on rainstorm/ and I’m a house of cards”. This simile shows how her attraction towards the guy is so powerful that it blows her away. On a similar note, to bring the song to a close, Swift sings “I’m captivated by you, baby/ like a fireworks show”. The guy really interests her and she is comparing it to watching fireworks in order to show this.
These devices bring out the themes of love and happiness with-in the song. This song is a perfect example of a narrative, so these devices really make it stand out. The lyrics show how Swift loves the guy she is talking about, although it might not be the best idea, she can not help herself. When swift says “I’m captivated by you, baby/ like a fireworks show” it is not only a simile but it shows happiness. When one thinks of fireworks, they think of times like the Fourth of July, which is really fun and happy. The various poetic devices in the song really help demonstrate the overall theme.
“Sparks Fly” by Taylor Swift uses various poetic devices to make the song original. Devices like objectification and simile are used abundantly throughout. All of these devices bring out the theme of love an happiness that Swift tries to put in many of her songs. “Sparks Fly” is a very relatable song to many teenagers today.
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